I remember when I first heard Bob Dylan sing “The Times, They Are A’ Changing” and never imagined that 50 years and counting later I would be singing the same thing of this decade! Yet the times continue to change – it seems faster and faster- and it is the call of the church to remain contemporary and relevant to the needs and questions and problems this generation faces….

Mount Carmel-Zion United is here in the Morriston community to be a light on the hill (literally!); to be open to this community – to have “Open Doors, open hearts and open minds”. As we face the challenges of our times together…Do you seek a community where asking the hard questions, and not knowing all the answers, is ok?

Do you seek a sanctuary by the roadside of the highway of life, where rest for your heart might be found?

Do you wonder what we do up here on the hill to help solve the world’s problems?

Are you fed up with false piety, simplistic answers and passive lip service to inclusivity?

Are you lonely, or seeking spiritual renewal and home?

If so, you may find a safe space with us. Visit…call…you might find what you are looking for!


Rev. Margaret A. Ruggles

B.A. M.Div. M.Th, DipDM, RMFT



At Mount Carmel-Zion you will find meaningful worship services Sundays at 10:30 am, with musical reflections on the piano  All are welcome to take part in Communion.  Children participate in Church Chatter and we offer activities during service.   Prayer Shawl gatherings, study groups, special services, and fellowship happen throughout the year.  The charming red brick church is located on a  historically rich, quaint street in the Village of Morriston.

The Church Family is a small but mighty group who try to live out our mission statement and are very much involved in mission work locally, nationally and globally. We regularly support the Mission and Service Fund as well as the Chalmers Community Services Centre, and Love Thy Neighbor projects which include Gifts with Vision and local projects.  Funds raised from our Seniors’ Socials and other Mission & Outreach events support a variety of missions.  The Ways and Means Committee would be happy to provide catering for events.


Mount Carmel-Zion United Church offers the service of Christian marriage because we value and encourage a commitment to loving one another. If you are interested in having your marriage ceremony performed in Mount Carmel-Zion United Chruch or by the minister. 


The Sacrament of Baptism is an act of welcoming, blessing and belonging.  Baptism confirms that God’s love surrounds us from the moment we’re born and continues through the rest of our lives. Our church considers it a privilege to be able to do this initiation for infants, children, teens and adults.


Funeral services are provided in consultation with minister. Please see our contact information to reach out to us for assistance.


We offer our church for various events. Please see below rental fees and give us a call!

Rental Fees for the Church Building $200. (weddings etc.)

Rental Fees for partial, short period and wedding rehearsals start at $50.

Church basement is available for rent for $50.  

There is a full kitchen, tables and chairs.

All rental agreements to be reviewed by the property committee and an insurance waiver must be signed.

Accessibility: We are happy to accommodate. Please see our policy for all relevant information.

Revised MCZU Accessibilty Policy[5175